
May 11, 2017
Gauge Capital Announces Strategic Investment in eDynamic Learning

Gauge Capital announced that it has partnered with the shareholders and management team of eDynamic Learning (“eDynamic” or the “Company”) and made a strategic investment in the Company. Founded in 2008 and headquartered in Kelowna, British Columbia, eDynamic Learning is a leading provider of online career and elective courses serving the virtual, blended, and brick & mortar U.S. middle and high school market. The Company offers over 70 courses segmented within 16 career clusters ranging from Forensic Science to Gothic Literature.

“This is an exciting time as we partner with Gauge Capital to drive the next chapter of success for our Company. This relationship promotes expanded product offerings, increased market share, and accelerated growth. We are excited to begin the relationship with Gauge, a company with experienced professionals, a proven track record, and an extensive network within the education industry” said Kevin Viau, CEO and Founder of eDynamic.

Tom McKelvey, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Gauge Capital said, “We are excited to partner with an industry leader and support the Company’s mission of providing students access to a diverse set of career and elective courses. eDynamic has become an industry leader through developing courses that are engaging, relevant, and high quality. Since we were first introduced, we have been impressed with Kevin and the Company that he and the rest of the eDynamic team have built. Kevin is a fantastic operator and we are confident that together we will be able to realize our shared vision for what eDynamic can become.”

As part of the investment, Tom McKelvey, Drew Johnson and James Jackson from Gauge Capital have joined the Company’s Board of Directors. Kevin Viau will continue to serve as the Company’s CEO and as a member of the Board of Directors. Financing for the transaction was provided by Crestline Investors.